1020 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1020, United States
http://www.gottobenc.comThe Got To Be NC Pavilion in the busy South Hall will feature 4 of our members; Renwood Mills, Tidewater Grain, Vanguard Culinary Group and Hampton Farms Peanuts. Renwood Mills. Founded in 1935 by G.D. Drum, Renwood Mills quickly became a titan in the US milling industry. Formerly known to many in the Southeast at Midstate Mills, Renwood Mills sources locally grown whole wheat and corn to mill a variety of specialty mixes and grits, flour and cornmeal. They have been consistently milling roughly 800 million pounds of flour every week for the past four generations. This flour gets packaged into bags and bulk tankers for grocery stores, restaurants, bakeries, and food manufacturing facilities all across the country. Tidewater Gain Co. specializes in Carolina Gold rice on their coastal farm in Oriental, N.C. Carolina Gold rice has not been produced in N.C. for over 120 years, until now. This product is the envy of all chefs. Vanguard Culinary Group. Vanguard Culinary Group, Inc. has been producing premium quality value added food products since 1998. The company utilizes over 75,000 square feet of production, R&D, cooling and storage space. Research & Development is the back-bone of the company. Vanguard has a dedicated staff and kitchen within their facilities. The staff is focused on the development of both core and innovative products which are regarded as cutting edge in both taste and eating experience which equals ultimate customer satisfaction. The company management includes top industry professionals in sales, research and development, culinary arts and quality assurance and control. This team has moved Vanguard to the forefront of the industry. Hampton Farms: Located in eastern N.C. Hampton Farms has been in business since 1917. Over the years, Hampton has carefully cultivated relationships with farmers to ensure their products’ quality from seed to shelf. Headquartered in Severn, North Carolina and in conjunction with other plants in Edenton, NC, Franklin, VA, Springfield, MA, Lubbock, TX and Portale. Acquisition by Hampton Farms has allowed for increased quality and variety. Acquired Tanner Nut Company of Tarboro, North Carolina - which now serves as the Hampton Farms Specialty Division producing Honey Roasted Cashews, Honey Chipotle Peanuts and Wildernuts™ Nut Trios. Hampton Farms introduces an organic line of peanut butter.